Corvallis Citizen’s Climate Lobby
We strongly support passing a carbon tax on all carbon-based fuels. Such a tax would increase each year until clean energy is cheaper than fossil fuels. Passed at the Federal level, such a tax would rein in greenhouse gas emissions and create up to 4 million clean energy jobs.
After meeting through, a group of us have formed a Corvallis chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL). Our goal is to implement a fair and effective carbon tax, with the money collected returned equally to all households. We meet monthly, and work to create the political will for a stable climate through lobbying, communication, and education. We work cooperatively with, and welcome new members. Contact Carla (carla476 at gmail) for the time and location of our next meeting, or for more information on CCL.
To learn more about the Citizens Climate Lobby see:
The Citizen’s Climate Lobby website
-see CCL’s current list of suggested actions