Climate Summit

leavesCorvallis Climate Summit

The Summit on Jan. 26th, 2014 was a huge success!  We had around 250 in attendance, we learned more about each other and had some great conversations.  There is a directory of groups that were represented at the summit.  Please contact us if you want to add or change your listing.

Follow up Actions:

February 15 at 6:45pm Meet outside LaSells Stewart Center
Working Together for Climate Action Now: on Saturday,  during the “Transformation without Apocalypse” symposium.
This will be a solidarity gathering, wear white, and join us for song, more networking and to show those arriving to see the speakers at the event that Corvallis is united for climate action.

Wednesday, February 19 from 5:30–7pm at Avery House Nature Center (1200 SW Avery Park Dr).
Planning meeting for the Georgetown University Energy Prize.  Will Corvallis compete for this prize that pushes communities to go the extra mile in energy efficiency?  More details about the prize here.

Thursday, February 27 from 6:30-8pm at the Westminster House (101 NW 23rd St.)
Planning meeting for the Call to Action Network:  Let’s figure out how to build a network to quickly gather people for mass events, collaborate on projects and avoid duplicating efforts.  It’s time to think outside the box and come up with something effective beyond another mailing list or facebook page.
