Corvallis Climate Summit a Big Success

More than 225 people turned out for the first Corvallis Climate Summit on Sunday afternoon in an effort to connect and collaborate on new ways Corvallis can be a national leader in slowing greenhouse gas emissions.

The summit was an opportunity to network, learn about current climate change projects, innovate and ultimately spark new alliances and collaborations for slowing climate change.  This many people coming together to brainstorm ways to slow climate change by collaborating across boundaries and among groups was truly impressive, and we look forward to implementing some of the ideas that came out of the summit.

More than 20 local groups working on climate change and related issues were presented in a slide show, demonstrating just how much action we already have locally.  A directory of these groups has been created, and will be updated as new information is presented.

Several follow up actions have been planned to foster continued collaboration and to explore some of the many ideas that arose during the small group discussions.

Kathleen Dean Moore, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Oregon State University and author of several books including her recent award-winning edited volume, Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril, delivered the keynote address, stating that Corvallis was ideally positioned to be a national leader, and that we as citizens have a moral obligation to protect the planet from destruction.

Sponsors of the event included 350Corvallis, Corvallis Environmental Center, Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, Energize Corvallis, FUMC Natural Step Ministry, Integrity of Creation (First Congregational UCC), League of Women Voters Corvallis, Spring Creek Project, UUFC Climate Justice and Environmental Action Groups.

Food donations were made by Pacifica Coffee, Great Harvest Bread, La Mariposa Artisan Cheese, American Dream Pizza, and New Morning Bakery.

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