Ductless Heating and Cooling Event, June 17th

Learn more about energy efficient ductless heating and cooling systems this Monday, June 17th, 6-7pm at the Corvallis Public Library Meeting Room. Doors open at 5:30, and the event is free. Contractors will be on hand to answer questions.

Developed in Japan in the '70s, ductless heating and cooling systems are now the preferred air conditioning system of Asia and much of Europe.

Developed in Japan in the ’70s, ductless heating and cooling systems are now the preferred air conditioning systems of Asia and much of Europe.

Ductless systems typically use 30-50% less energy than standard forced air or electric resistance heating and cooling systems. Even better, tax incentives and utility rebates are available to those who upgrade their current systems to ductless systems.

RSVPs are encouraged; email Sarah@trig-cli.org, or call (541) 654-4052. Visit Energize Corvallis for more event information, and check out Going Ductless FAQ to see if a ductless system is right for you.

In the meantime, stay cool!


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