Eco-Film Festival this Friday – Kris checking on tabling fee
Kris and Leonard will table at event and will include info about the Albany Coal Train Forum and coal train petition signing sheet.
Claudia asked for 350 cards to distribute at UU
Charlie suggested that Skip Wenz, a frequent Op-Ed writer for the GT, may be interested in posting a article with the GT.
Kris is working on a 350Corvallis logo and is buying used T-Shirts in preparation for having them screened with the logo
Portland is organizing “Sound the Alarm for Climate Change” in conjunction with the national action day on February 17. Communities can participate by ringing church bells and fire alarms:
2/7 Sierra Club event at Library
Effects of Climate Change in Oregon
What might we see?
Local efforts for fossil fuel divestment campaign
There may already be some OSU student involvement in the divestment campaign (OSU listed on divestment webpage?). (Nathan Hinkle is student leader for the OSU Sustainability Initiative). Kris will follow up. There is a recent London Times article about fossil fuel divestment.
The Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Sustainability Fair will be the evening ofMarch 14 at the CH2M Hill OSU Alumni Center.
Coal Trains
350Corvallis will participate in planning and attending the February 17 Albany Coal Forum meeting. The coal trains are the local “Keystone Pipeline issue” and the event is in solidarity with the February 17 Forward on Climate rally in DC. Discussion about issues caused by world trade agreements.
– Kris will follow up with OSU contacts
Chasing Ice
– Charlie is working with Darkside for grant to fund free attendance by OSU students.
– Claudia is working on large scale funding with the hope of purchasing the films rights and releasing it into the public domain
Expert Panel possibly in early September this year
– potential panelists: Kathleen Dean Moore (See article in Sun Magazine December 2012 issue) and Jane Lubchenco, planning to incorporate music and poetry with possible Spring Creek collaboration.
Forward On Climate Rally in Washington DC
– Claudia, Marilyn, Martha, Jean and Leonard attending and several also will be attending volunteer training on 2/16 to assist with the event.
Leonard volunteered to write a first draft 350Corvallis press release mentioning the national Forward on Climate action on February 17 and the Albany Coal Train Forum (as the local “Keystone Pipeline” issue) as an action in solidarity with the Forward on Climate action.
Kris will follow up to see if she can identify OSU student group(s) active in the divestment effort.
The next 350Corvallis meeting is February 14 at the Westminster House.