Meeting – 1/17/13

Kris reviewed the Occupy hand signals for use in group discussions, these are most useful when the group is large.

We discussed travel to the 17 February protest of the XL pipeline.  Leonard has checked both bus and train and they prove both expensive and prolonged.  He, Martha, Claudia Keith, and probably Jean Townes will fly and participate.

Divestment was reviewed: so far 190 colleges are committed.  It has been considered at OSU, but no group has finally formed to promote it.  Corvallis churches remain a possibility.  That includes the Unitarian Fellowship as part of the climate change initiative adopted on 11 February by several of its action committees.  Somebody should speak to Brandon Trelstad at the OSU sustainability office.

Karen Josephson and Peter Stoel are in Kenya and pursuit of the Climate Change Lobby (CCL) carbon tax initiative is mostly their activity.  Kris said that somebody interested in CCL will come to speak to 350Corvallis at a later date.

Chasing Ice.  Charlie will continue to pursue funding for student tickets to see the movie at Darkside Cinema.  Paul Turner of Darkside has been silent so far about the grant from the movie’s producers.  Kris reported that it is currently held over until 27 January.

We briefly discussed the potential of some street theater activity, e.g., an oversized bottle displayed someplace containing a message (“in a bottle”) from a drowning island.   Leonard suggested that we do something on 17 February to reflect the XL protest in DC.  He has talked to Bonnie McKinley of about it.  He also thought we might organize to provide pictures to the GT of events like last Tuesday’s rally at the courthouse.  Nothing was decided.

Leonard recommended a book, something to sustain hope in regard to climate and related issues:  Active Hope, How to Face the Mess We’re in Without Going Crazy by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone (2012).

Kris suggested we need a mission statement to make the goals of 350Corvalis explicit.  This led to general discussion of the goals, connection to the goals of, the difficulties of addressing Republicans (who seem generally to favor short-term economic goals over environmental preservation), the problem of Greg Walden and eastern Oregon, etc.  Leonard will look up an “environmentalist rancher” he’s learned about and report on his potential as an ally.

Some discussion about Earth Day activity led to questions about making or obtaining some 350Corvallis T-shirts.  Kris will find out about sources of silk-screening gear to help make suitable shirts.  Sources of free or very cheap shirts, possibly used shirts, were discussed.

We adjourned a little after 8:30 PM.

Before the meeting Jean Townes mentioned an ODOT hearing about coal trains that is forthcoming.  We need to determine the date and location, attend and be sure that the Sierra Club Beyond Coal team will be there and will recruit sizeable participation.

1 Comment

  1. jesse

    Sorry I missed this meeting! The next one is now on my calendar. I am moving ahead on panel planning as I offered in early January.

    Jesse Ford

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