Meeting – Feb. 28th

Had 8-10 people attend.

Discussed Rally Against Coal Exports coming up in Salem on March 13th.  We will have a bus available to take people there.  Meet at the parking lot at Terminus at 10am.

More tabling opportunities coming up, Sustainability Fair on March 14th.  Will be there instead of having meeting on that day.  The outdoor farmer’s market is coming up, may do tabling there as well.

What can we do for earth day?  Dan mentioned an event, the “Hoo Ha” put on byt the organic growers club, will see if there are opportunities to get involved with that.

Monday March 11th will be the Science Pub at Old World Deli, speaker is Kathleen Dean-Moore, discussing the moral aspects of addressing climate change. is putting on a video chat with Bill McKibben and organizers on March 10th.  Dan can be host for that event.  Will be at 4pm at the Veggie House.

Still trying to get a divestment movement going at OSU.  Dan and Charlie will talk to students and others they know on campus to see if there is any interest.


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